Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag

I'm super excited to get to do my first tag post thanks to the beautiful Annie at aloue! Even though I'm not technically a beauty blogger, I still love my beauty products. If you have any questions about products or brands I use, feel free to ask in the comments!

1. Name a beauty regimen that you rarely do?
Lately, it's been to paint my nails. Working in a lab with water and chemicals just makes it not worth it. 

2. Is washing your make-up brushes something that you regularly do?
For a little while in the spring I was super good about washing them every week, but now I let it fall behind. It's definitely something I'm trying to work on though, because I know it's so bad for your skin to use dirty brushes. 

3. How long do you last with chipped nail varnish?
I'll let it go pretty long even though I hate it, which is why I basically stopped painting my nails. I'm too lazy to re-do them all the time and it bothers me to have chipped polish. 

4. How long do you put off buying/replacing a beauty product, even if you need it?
It depends on what it is. If it's things like foundation, I'll buy a new one before the last one is finished. But things like mascara which I go through pretty quickly, I will procrastinate buying and make sure I get every last drop out of. 

5. What's your worst beauty habit?
Falling asleep with my makeup on! Especially after a night out at the bars I'll end up leaving everything on and wake up feeling totally disgusting. 

6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all of the time?
The laundry! I will literally get down to my last piece of clean underwear before washing my clothes. I don't even mind doing it either, I just never want to start it.

7. Can you commit to spending bans?
Yes! In fact, I feel super guilty whenever I buy new makeup, even if I know it is something I will use. I'm trying to find a good balance between saving money and still being willing to put my money towards things that make me feel good. 

8. How organized is your make-up and nail polish collection?
Not organized at all. I have one makeup bag with everything crammed into it, a small jar with my makeup brushes, and a large jar with all of my nail polishes. I really want to spend some time getting an organization system down once I am living somewhere more permanent.  


My name is Liz and I'm a 22 year old with a B.S. in Wildlife Conservation. I love beer and fashion and exploring the outdoors, and am currently figuring out how to do all of the above on a post-grad budget.

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  1. I absolutely hate doing laundry! I put it off for as long as I possibly can as well. I also try to go as long as I can with out redoing my nails. It's so much better when you can go get a mani or pedi and have someone else do them.

    1. Yes! my little sister and I take turns doing each others nails to make it better.

  2. I'm the same way with my nails. I work in a library and I'm constantly either putting books on the shelves or working with kids, and my nails just don't last.

    1. I feel like working office jobs is probably the only way to keep nails looking nice!

  3. This is such a fun tag! I've never heard about it before!! Totally copying you and doing this TAG!

    1. Thank you! I had never heard of it either until Annie tagged me!

  4. I used to be terrible about going to bed without taking off my makeup! I've gotten a bit better about it and my skin loves me for it, but there are still days when I just want to go to sleep!

    xo, Chelsie @ Life with Roise

  5. Yes, I totally agree! And especially since some days I don't wear any makeup, there's a lot of times when I just forget if I'm wearing it or not!

  6. I can be so lazy when it gets to makeup, plus I'm super bad at spending money so I'll go as long as I can before buying new products. Have you tried adding contact solution (just a drop or two) to your mascara? It really does help it last longer!

    1. (Un)Fortunately, my boyfriend and I don't wear contacts, so we don't keep any contact solution at home! But I've heard it works wonderfully!

  7. Falling asleep with makeup on is so bad for your face. I use to do it too until I started to get breakouts. ugh. Now I make sure I take off my makeup every night and wash my face twice a day.

    1. I'm still bad about properly washing my face since I have very dry skin that tends to get worse from face cleansers, but I always use makeup wipes!

  8. I just organized all my makeup this past week! It feels weird and nice at the same time. There's something about organizing it that is a physical showcase of that fact that it's important to me....and sometimes I feel like people judge for that!!! I don't know why...:/

    1. I could definitely go on a spree at the container store if I had tons of money to spare on makeup organization. I just love the way some beauty bloggers have their collection set up!

  9. This is such a cute idea! After reading this I feel like I don't have the best beauty habits...You're definitely making me think about how long I have had my current brushes. I guess I buy new ones rather than clean them but I think I'm due for new ones!
    xo, Laura @ Have Need Want

    1. Until I started watching makeup videos on youtube (less than a year ago) I had no idea that brushes should be cleaned often and repurchased every once in a while! It was definitely eye opening for me. Glad I could inspire you to get some new ones though!
