Summer Reading Part II

Since the last time I posted a summer reading post I've read another 4 books! I've read 7 books in the past 8 weeks and I'm really proud of that. I haven't read this much since high school. Here's an update on the books I've read since my last post.

A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson

This book was not exactly what I expected, and I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it. It tells the story of the author's attempt to hike the Appalachain Trail. It's like a funny version of Into the Wild, where this guy is aware that what he's doing is insane, and narrates that the entire way through. I enjoyed the brutal honesty of it though, even if it wasn't exactly my cup of tea.

My Fairy Godmother Must Be on a Strike by Rebecca Moisio

It's been a while since I just read a lighthearted "chick-flick" type of book, so this was very refreshing. It's a very easy read, something I imagine would have been perfect for the beach. The plot's not too crazy and it's pretty predictable but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Unraveled by Anna Scanlon

I actually follow Anna's blog on Bloglovin and decided to download this book onto our Kindle when she announced that it was free on Amazon for a week. This was definitely the deepest book that I've read so far this summer, as it tells the story of young twin girls in Hungary during WWII. It was definitely one of those books that I read before bed rather than during the day, because I always felt so sad after reading it. But it was extremely interesting and the plot kept me reading.

Diet of Plenty: The Anti-Diet by Amy R. Hopkins

This is another book that I found through the blogging community. Amy had posted in one of the blogger facebook groups I'm part of that her book was about to be published and she would be willing to send out free digital copies to any bloggers that were interesting in reading it, so obviously I had to snatch one! I'm so glad I did, it was a fantastic read. I sat down with a baggie of carrots and read the whole book in one day. I especially enjoy that this isn't just a "diet" book, but rather a book about lifestyle and how food fits into every aspect of our life.

Let me know in the comments what you'v'e all been reading, and if there's anything I should add to my list!


My name is Liz and I'm a 22 year old with a B.S. in Wildlife Conservation. I love beer and fashion and exploring the outdoors, and am currently figuring out how to do all of the above on a post-grad budget.

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  1. I have so many half read books to read. I'm trying to be better about not finishing if I'm not into it but it's so hard for me. I want to know if it's going to get better or not. This weekend is vacation so I hope to get a lot of reading done as well.

    1. I used to do that a lot when I was younger, but now I'm able to power through them since I always want to know what happens!

  2. I've been reading a lot of series books lately. I love the Aunt Dimity series by Nancy Atherton (lovely cozy charming books about a town in England) and now I'm reading the Nightside Series by Simon R Green.(paranormal style).

    1. I will definitely check those out! I've been looking for a good new series!

  3. I've been reading a lot of memoirs recently. And I'm loving your recommendations!

    1. I'm trying to get into more non-fiction books like that, but parts of me just love fantasy and adventure!

  4. That diet/food book sounds really interesting. I like the concept of it!

  5. I love me a good, light hearted chic-flick type of book! I may have to pick up the Fairy Godmother book after I finish the gothic thing I'm reading now; it's super creepy and I can't read it for long at night because it gives me the heebie jeebies!

    xo, Chelsie @ Life with Rosie

    1. It's only 0.99 on the kindle! Definitely check it out! And I totally know what you mean about not being able to read creepy books at night - I feel like they're even worse than movies
