Updates and Link Roundup!

So even though nobody probably noticed, my posts haven't been quite as frequently lately as I would have liked. Moving home to live with my parents has been crazy, especially since as soon as I got home my mom got an ear infection, leaving me to help take care of her, chauffeur my little sister to all of her tennis practices, while also looking for a job and trying to figure out grad school. Now that things are a little more settled I will hopefully be back to my normal routine, but I just wanted to give a little wrap-up post to update you all on what I've been doing in the meanwhile.

1. I was featured on Sartorial Science! 
I found out about this tumblr blog from this Buzzfeed article last week and immediately knew I had to try to get featured. And I did! I am so excited that there's a movement to discuss the fact that not all scientists are nerds, and that our careers don't have to define our sense of style! Check out the post I'm featured in here!

2. I got on twitter!
Yup, I finally entered the world of twitter. I still don't use it as much as I probably should, or the way that most bloggers do (to promote their blog, duh) but I'm working on it. And you should all follow me here.

3. I got addicted to Big Brother.
As soon as I got home I found out that my mom has been addicted to Big Brother this season, and I immediately got hooked too. Steve and Johnny Mac are just too precious.

4. I've been using Snapchat. 
I've had a personal snapchat for a while now, but never really used it until recently. If you guys are interested in seeing yet another glimpse into my life feel free to add me on Snapchat @elizabethcip

5. I made some food and drinks. 
I made this banana bread yesterday (but subbed in applesauce for the sour cream to make it dairy free) and it was so dang delicious! Plus, it was super instagram-worthy.
I also made this hot chocolate (minus the kahlua) for my mom, brother, and I and it was absolutely to die for. Seriously have to use all my self control not to have it every single night.

I hope you guys have been having a good few weeks and I will hopefully be back to a normal schedule next week!


My name is Liz and I'm a 22 year old with a B.S. in Wildlife Conservation. I love beer and fashion and exploring the outdoors, and am currently figuring out how to do all of the above on a post-grad budget.

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  1. This is so much fun! I love update and link posts!

  2. I have never understood twitter or snapchat! I'm usually late to get on the hip new forms social media, lol. I like how you made the banana bread dairy free by subbing applesauce for the sour cream too..what a great idea!

    1. Ugh yeah me neither that's why I'm so late on them haha. And thank you! My dad is allergic to dairy so finding ways to make food dairy-free has become a talent of mine haha

  3. I've been watching Big Brother too, not my favourite season but you must be happy after the latest eviction!

  4. I'm trying to figure out Twitter, but Snapchat is still foreign to me. Congrats on your feature!
